Honey for Health

Medical Advancement

a person pouring liquid into a glass jar

Blazing A New Trail

Our team seeks help with testing, evaluating and getting approval of our medical advancements and we invite you to go on this journey with us. It’s time to leave behind the current treatment models, research channels and the status quo in the medical community to discover new processes and revolutionize medicine.

Natural, safe, drug-free, antiseptic, disinfecting and easily absorbed by the body, pure crystalized medicinal honey will transform wound care, burn treatment, blood stop therapies and fungal control coupled with spore elimination. We’re looking for medical professionals and researchers to help us finish the process to approve our crystalized honey patents and scientific deals with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. By collaborating together, we can start putting bleeding control bandages and disinfecting products into the hands of those in need.

Our Background

We believe our products work better than what’s currently available, and that patients will have an  improved lifestyle and a reduction in pain after using our simple treatments. While we have made great strides in bringing honey-based treatments to people, we still have a long road before us. We want to partner with medical professionals and researchers who also have the drive to work on treatments not based on drugs, but on mechanical processes.

Our crystalline honey products are 99.9% effective against all strains of drug resistant bacteria, fungus and spores on all skin and animate surfaces. It’s as effective as BetadineTM to immediately control and stop the spread of infection without the necrotic side effects, and safe for use on open wounds and burns without the worry of necrosis or tissue damage over hours or even days.

Additionally, Zitavex honey crystals can be applied dry or as a liquid disinfectant spray because they’re easily absorbed by the body. Upon drying a contiguous anaerobic/piezoelectric barrier is formed, sealing the wound and preventing further infection.
a woman using a spray bottle to clean her hands
honeycombs being poured into a jar of honey

A Different Brand Of Medicine

A spore-killing product does not exist in medicine — until now. The rapid supersaturation of the sugars in honey results in the formation of dendritic crystals that tear into and mechanically disintegrate spore capsules. With our process, there’s no chance of our product becoming resistant to drugs or processes. The spore will not sprout a seed because of the mechanical process of the honey crystal that’s the result of our unique production.

We have discovered the miracle of supersaturation and crystallization of honey. The applications are many and life-changing. Our scientists have discovered and patented a full spectrum, drug-free, chemical-free, biocidal-antimicrobial, anti-spore, anti-mold, anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiviral medical application for issues affecting the epidermis.

Our advancements, using our scientific patented process, will eliminate issues people currently experience due to fungus, fungal spores and drug resistant strains of microbes.

As a researcher or professional in the medical field, have you seen a single product which will stop the most severe arterial bleeding without the need for a tourniquet, provide antiseptic control without applying a trauma bandage for wound care, mitigate the complications associated with second and third degree burns without the need for painful debridement of impacted skin, or kill spores while eliminating presenting fungal outbreaks?

Zitavex has developed state-of-the-art protocols for blood stop, wound care, burn care and spore destruction/fungal care, and we need your help as we continue with our research and FDA approval.


Work With Us

Zitavex has created groundbreaking medical devices using the crystalline structure in pure natural honey. It is our desire to advance the wide applications of these discoveries in dermatology, burn care, wound care and antiseptic skin care products.

We want to collaborate with medical professionals and researchers from a variety of fields, test these new discoveries and help improve the quality of life of people around the world.

Come join us so you can be a part of the movement. Complete the form below and let’s have a conversation.

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