08 Jun Creativity is our game
At Zitavex we engage the Holy Spirit,
We know that in science, nothing comes near it.
So if you have received dreams and visions you need to steer,
Let us buy you some coffee, allow us to hear.For all the success we had… and will have yet to come,
Is not ours to claim, no, not even some!
It is the Holy Spirit deep in our heart,
Which has brought our success, from the very start.
In life, we face many obstacles. Yet these very situations also allow us to grow. For those who only want the easy way out when growth opportunities are available, they will never change.
At Zitavex, we have learned success comes by being vessels for the Holy Spirit. Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Not only to save us but to also bring us the advocate, the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are many, all to be used to advance the Kingdom.
At Zitavex, we declare, that creativity is our game! The creativity we possess, and that which we seek more of, does not come with fancy titles or college degrees, necessarily. It is a GIFT from the Lord Himself. Stop for a moment and ask, how is it that it has taken until NOW for someone to understand what to do with honey in order to make it a lifesaving medical tool? The process of which I speak has already been scientifically researched and U.S. patented by Zitavex. A tool, which once approved by the FDA, will save many lives through bleeding control, antiseptic and sanitation of injuries and serious burns; all with HONEY.
We know that others possess this same strength, yet have we not yet been able to declare as we have, that creativity is our game? So now is the time to drop all those apprehensions of doing or saying something which you fear will be laughed at. Bring your dreams and visions to us so we can talk about them over coffee. Do not be shocked if manna from heaven falls allowing something new in His Kingdom to be brought forth!
In the body, all parts are important. And remember this, it is we who possess the keys to the Kingdom. It is the serpent who now runs and hides behind the gates of Hades, cowering from us as we now claim the Kingdom; which is ours if we only walk boldly and powerfully. We no longer are shy, as creativity is our game.
Come have coffee with us and share your creative Holy Spirit-inspired ideas. Share your favorite passage from the Word. Join us all in creating a change through the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to invest, please donate to help us by helping others.
Zitavex has been created to expand His Kingdom. Please join us in a change for People, Planet and Peace.